Sylvia A. Marotta
Affiliations: | The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Sylvia Marotta"Mean distance: 8905.5
Sign in to add traineeShannon K. Peters | grad student | 2002 | The George Washington University |
Lisa M. Hooper | grad student | 2003 | The George Washington University |
Alia I. Sheikh | grad student | 2003 | The George Washington University |
Catherine R. Andrews | grad student | 2004 | The George Washington University |
Moji A. Moghadam | grad student | 2006 | The George Washington University |
Diana Bermudez | grad student | 2008 | The George Washington University |
Diane M. Reese | grad student | 2008 | The George Washington University |
Jennifer D. Vidas | grad student | 2008 | The George Washington University |
Linda S. Dawson | grad student | 2011 | The George Washington University |
Elizabeth E. Hatchuel | grad student | 2012 | The George Washington University |
Kelli J. Sanness | grad student | 2012 | The George Washington University |
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LaFauci Schutt JM, Marotta SA. (2011) Personal and environmental predictors of posttraumatic stress in emergency management professionals Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 3: 8-15 |
Hooper LM, Marotta SA, Depuy V. (2009) A confirmatory factor analytic study of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory among a sample of racially diverse college students Journal of Mental Health. 18: 335-343 |
Taymans JM, Marotta SA, Lynch SJ, et al. (2008) Adoption as a diversity issue in professional preparation: Perceptions of preservice education professionals Adoption Quarterly. 11: 24-44 |
Hooper LM, Marotta SA, Lanthier RP. (2008) Predictors of growth and distress following childhood parentification: A retrospective exploratory study Journal of Child and Family Studies. 17: 693-705 |
Sheikh AI, Marotta SA. (2008) Best practices for counseling in cardiac rehabilitation settings Journal of Counseling and Development. 86: 111-119 |
Marotta SA, Watts RE. (2007) An introduction to the best practices section in the Journal of Counseling & Development Journal of Counseling and Development. 85: 491-503 |
Asner-Self KK, Schreiber JB, Marotta SA. (2006) A cross-cultural analysis of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 12: 367-75 |
Sheikh AI, Marotta SA. (2005) A cross-validation study of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 38: 66-77 |
Andrews CR, Marotta SA. (2005) Spirituality and Coping among Grieving Children: A Preliminary Study. Counseling and Values. 50: 38-50 |
Asner-Self KK, Marotta SA. (2005) Developmental indices among Central American immigrants exposed to war-related trauma: Clinical implications for counselors Journal of Counseling and Development. 83: 162-171 |