Salvador H. Ochoa
Affiliations: | Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States |
Psychometrics Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements EducationGoogle:
"Salvador Ochoa"Mean distance: 8220.46
Sign in to add traineeWilda Laija | grad student | 2000 | Texas A & M |
Sandra Jimenez | grad student | 2001 | Texas A & M |
Adam L. Saenz | grad student | 2001 | Texas A & M |
Lynn D. Baker | grad student | 2002 | Texas A & M |
Marylyn C. Sines | grad student | 2002 | Texas A & M |
Kristie S. Orr | grad student | 2003 | Texas A & M |
Maricela P. Gonzales | grad student | 2004 | Texas A & M |
Charles A. Morton | grad student | 2004 | Texas A & M |
Nancy P. Razo | grad student | 2004 | Texas A & M |
Carlo A. Villarreal | grad student | 2005 | Texas A & M |
Roman Garcia de Alba | grad student | 2006 | Texas A & M |
Glenda E. Byrns | grad student | 2007 | Texas A & M |
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Lamb GD, Ochoa SH, Alba RGD. (2006) Issues and Interventions Influencing the Academic Outcomes for Migrant Students. Multiple Voices For Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners. 9: 135-148 |
Ochoa SH, Rhodes RL. (2005) Assisting parents of bilingual students to achieve equity in public schools Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 16: 75-94 |
Ochoa SH, Rivera B, Ford L. (1997) An investigation of school psychology training pertaining to bilingual psycho-educational assessment of primarily hispanic students: Twenty-five years after Diana v. California Journal of School Psychology. 35: 329-349 |
Ochoa SH, Paige Powell M, Robles-Piña R. (1996) School psychologists' assessment practices with bilingual and Limited-english-proficient students Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 14: 250-275 |
Ochoa SH, Palmer DJ. (1995) Comparison of the peer status of mexican-american students with learning disabilities and non-disabled low-achieving students Learning Disability Quarterly. 18: 57-63 |
Ochoa SH, Palmer DJ. (1991) A sociometric analysis of between-group differences and within-group status variability of hispanic learning disabled and nonhandicapped pupils in academic and play contexts Learning Disability Quarterly. 14: 208-218 |