Douglas V. Porpora

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Douglas Porpora"
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Monica Y. Thompson grad student 2002 Drexel
Charles E. Bonner grad student 2007 Drexel
Imaani J. El-Burki grad student 2013 Drexel
Julia H. May grad student 2013 Drexel
Theodoros Katerinakis grad student 2014 Drexel
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Porpora DV. (2020) Populism, citizenship, and post-truth politics Journal of Critical Realism. 19: 329-340
Porpora DV, Morgan J. (2020) American sociology, realism, structure and truth: an interview with Douglas V. Porpora Journal of Critical Realism. 1-23
Porpora DV. (2019) A reflection on critical realism and ethics Journal of Critical Realism. 18: 274-284
Porpora DV. (2016) The Recent Methods Debate in American Sociology and how Critical Realism fits into it Journal of Critical Realism. 15: 342-351
Porpora DV. (2016) The Meaning of Culture and the Culture of Empiricism in American Sociology American Sociologist. 1-12
Malazita J, Nikolaev A, Porpora D. (2014) Moral argument in the public sphere: The case of bosnia Review of Communication. 14: 229-244
Porpora DV. (2013) How many thoughts are there? Or why we likely have no Tegmark duplicates 1010115 m away Philosophical Studies. 163: 133-149
Mitman T, Nikolaev A, Porpora D. (2012) The Critical Moral Voice on American Newspaper Opinion Pages Communication, Culture & Critique. 5: 392-408
Jenkins A, Nikolaev A, Porpora DV. (2012) Moral Reasoning and the Online Debate About Iraq Political Communication. 29: 44-63
Porpora DV. (2011) Critical terrorism studies: A political economic approach grounded in critical realism Critical Studies On Terrorism. 4: 39-55
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