Eugene G. Merrill

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"Eugene Merrill"
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Merrill EG, Lipski J. (1987) Inputs to intercostal motoneurons from ventrolateral medullary respiratory neurons in the cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 57: 1837-53
Fitzgerald M, Merrill EG. (1979) Single cutaneous afferent fibre: lamina IV spinal cord cell correlations [proceedings]. The Journal of Physiology. 295: 68P
Wall PD, Merrill EG, Yaksh TL. (1979) Responses of single units in laminae 2 and 3 of cat spinal cord. Brain Research. 160: 245-60
Merrill EG, Wall PD, Yaksh TL. (1978) Properties of two unmyelinated fibre tracts of the central nervous system: lateral Lissauer tract, and parallel fibres of the cerebellum. The Journal of Physiology. 284: 127-45
Merrill EG, Wall PD. (1978) Selective inhibition of distant afferent input to lamina 4 and 5 cells in cat dorsal spinal cord [proceedings]. The Journal of Physiology. 278: 51P
Devor M, Merrill EG, Wall PD. (1977) Dorsal horn cells that respond to stimulation of distant dorsal roots. The Journal of Physiology. 270: 519-31
Ainsworth A, Dostrovsky JO, Merrill EG, et al. (1977) An improved method for insulating tungsten micro-electrodes with glass [proceedings]. The Journal of Physiology. 269: 4P-5P
Merrill EG, Wall PD. (1975) Impulses recorded in cat substantia gelatinosa. The Journal of Physiology. 245: 82P-83P
Merrill EG, Wall PD. (1972) Factors forming the edge of a receptive field: the presence of relatively ineffective afferent terminals. The Journal of Physiology. 226: 825-46
Dawson GD, Merrill EG, Wall PD. (1970) Dorsal Root Potentials Produced by Stimulation of Fine Afferents Science. 167: 1385-1387
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