Douglas M. Teti
Affiliations: | University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States |
Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Douglas Teti"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add traineeMolly Countermine | grad student | Penn State | |
Bo-Ram Kim | grad student | University of Delaware | |
Brandon T. McDaniel | grad student | Illinois State University | |
Lauren Philbrook | grad student | Colgate University | |
Mina Shimizu | grad student | Auburn University | |
Sabrina Voltaire | grad student | 2014- | Penn State |
Liu Bai | grad student | 2017- | Penn State |
Christine Y Kim | grad student | 2018- | Penn State |
Lynda M. Payne | grad student | 2001 | UMBC |
Melissa A. O'Connell | grad student | 2007 | UMBC |
BETA: Related publications
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Kim CY, Smith NP, Teti DM. (2024) Associations Between Breastfeeding, Maternal Emotional Availability, and Infant-Mother Attachment: The Role of Coparenting. Journal of Human Lactation : Official Journal of International Lactation Consultant Association. 8903344241247207 |
Bai L, Chimed-Ochir U, Teti DM. (2024) Coparenting as a family-level construct: Parent and child inputs across the first two years. Family Process |
Teti DM. (2023) Editorial, Horwitz A Bar-Shachar Y. Ran Peled D. et al. Sleep of mothers, fathers, and infants: a longitudinal study from pregnancy through 12 months. Sleep. 2023 Feb 15:zsad029. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad029. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36788476. Sleep. 46 |
Sznajder KK, Teti D, Hackman NM, et al. (2022) Cesarean Section and Child Development at 3 Years: A Prospective Cohort Study of First Births in Pennsylvania. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 26: 2526-2535 |
Teti DM, Fronberg KM, Fanton H, et al. (2022) Infant sleep arrangements, infant-parent sleep, and parenting during the first six months post-partum. Infant Behavior & Development. 69: 101756 |
Teti DM, Whitesell CJ, Mogle JA, et al. (2022) Sleep Duration and Kindergarten Adjustment. Pediatrics |
Bai L, Kim CY, Crosby B, et al. (2022) Maternal nighttime sleep and infant-mother attachment security: The mediating role of maternal parenting quality during bedtime and free play. Developmental Psychology |
Teti DM, Ball HL, Tikotzky L. (2021) "Sleep and the family system"-A preface. Sleep Health. 8: 28-30 |
Bai L, Crosby B, Teti DM. (2021) Socioeconomic status and infant nighttime sleep across the second year of life: The moderating role of infant attachment security. Child Development |
Fronberg KM, Bai S, Teti DM. (2021) Household chaos mediates the link between family resources and child sleep. Sleep Health. 8: 121-129 |