Qin Chang, Ph.D.

2005 Rush University, Chicago, IL, United States 
Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
"Qin Chang"
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ZaoDung Ling grad student 2005 Rush University
 (Prenatal LPS induced DA neuron loss is a result of altered expression of proinflammatory cytokines.)
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Glavaski-Joksimovic A, Virag T, Chang QA, et al. (2009) Reversal of dopaminergic degeneration in a parkinsonian rat following micrografting of human bone marrow-derived neural progenitors. Cell Transplantation. 18: 801-14
Carvey PM, Chen EY, Lipton JW, et al. (2005) Intra-parenchymal injection of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin 1-beta produces dopamine neuron loss in the rat. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 112: 601-12
Ling Z, Chang QA, Tong CW, et al. (2004) Rotenone potentiates dopamine neuron loss in animals exposed to lipopolysaccharide prenatally. Experimental Neurology. 190: 373-83
Ling ZD, Chang Q, Lipton JW, et al. (2004) Combined toxicity of prenatal bacterial endotoxin exposure and postnatal 6-hydroxydopamine in the adult rat midbrain. Neuroscience. 124: 619-28
Carvey PM, Chang Q, Lipton JW, et al. (2003) Prenatal exposure to the bacteriotoxin lipopolysaccharide leads to long-term losses of dopamine neurons in offspring: a potential, new model of Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Bioscience : a Journal and Virtual Library. 8: s826-37
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