Deanna K. Meinke, Ph.D.

2005 University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Audiology, Neuroscience Biology
"Deanna Meinke"
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Kathryn H. Arehart grad student 2005 CU Boulder
 (Detailed DPOAE level/phase maps in normal and noise -damaged human ears.)
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Gong W, Murphy WJ, Meinke DK, et al. (2023) Evaluating Earplug Performance over a 2-Hour Work Period with a Fit-Test System. Seminars in Hearing. 44: 470-484
Meinke DK, Martin WH. (2023) Boothless audiometry: Ambient noise considerations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 153: 26
Morata TC, Meinke DK. (2019) An amazing 10-year collection of hearing loss prevention supplements by the National Hearing Conservation Association. International Journal of Audiology. 1-2
Stumpf AM, Erlandson G, Ruths J, et al. (2019) Noise exposures of sugar cane mill workers in Guatemala. International Journal of Audiology. 1-6
Laffoon SM, Stewart M, Zheng Y, et al. (2019) Conventional audiometry, extended high-frequency audiometry, and DPOAEs in youth recreational firearm users. International Journal of Audiology. 1-9
Murphy WJ, Tasko SM, Finan D, et al. (2019) Referee whistles Part II—Outdoor sound power assessment The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1816-1816
Murphy WJ, Eichwald J, Meinke DK, et al. (2018) CDC Grand Rounds: Promoting Hearing Health Across the Lifespan. Mmwr. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 67: 243-246
Murphy WJ, Flamme GA, Campbell AR, et al. (2018) The reduction of gunshot noise and auditory risk through the use of firearm suppressors and low-velocity ammunition. International Journal of Audiology. 1-14
Murphy WJ, Flamme G, Campbell AR, et al. (2018) Developing a method to assess noise reduction of firearm suppressors for small-caliber weapons Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143: 1935-1935
Meinke DK. (2018) Hearing health across the lifespan: Prevention begins in early in life Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143: 1779-1779
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