Christine A. Hovanitz

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 
Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Physiological Psychology
"Christine Hovanitz"
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Hovanitz CA, Thatcher DL. (2012) Academic aptitude as a predictor of headache proneness during college: could headache be an outcome of low test scores? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 19: 97-103
Hovanitz CA, Hursh AN, Hudepohl AD. (2011) Dimensions of affect modulated by perceived mood regulation ability. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 36: 113-9
Ramirez MJ, Schefft BK, Howe SR, et al. (2010) The effects of perceived emotional distress on language performance in intractable epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 18: 64-73
Hovanitz CA, Christianson AL, Stokes-Crowe L, et al. (2002) Effects of the headache state on objective and perceived performance. Headache. 42: 603-11
Reynolds DJ, Hovanitz CA. (2000) Life event stress and headache frequency revisited. Headache. 40: 111-118
Bruder-Mattson SF, Hovanitz CA. (1990) Coping and attributional styles as predictors of depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 46: 557-565
Clark AA, Hovanitz CA. (1989) Dimensions of coping that contribute to psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 45: 28-36
Hovanitz CA, Kozora E. (1989) Life stress and clinically elevated MMPI scales: Gender differences in the moderating influence of coping Journal of Clinical Psychology. 45: 766-777
Hovanitz CA. (1986) Life Event Stress and Coping Style as Contributors to Psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 42: 34-41
Hovanitz CA, Gynther MD, Marks PA. (1983) The prediction of paranoid behavior: Comparative validities of obvious vs. subtle MMPI paranoia (Pa) items Journal of Clinical Psychology. 39: 407-411
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