Andrea B. Hollingshead

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Speech Communication, Industrial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Andrea Hollingshead"
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Jian L, Hollingshead AB, Lin JC. (2018) Second-Guessing in Group Decision Making: Communication Research. 9365021880022
Manthous C, Nembhard IM, Hollingshead AB. (2011) Building effective critical care teams. Critical Care (London, England). 15: 307
Gupta N, Hollingshead AB. (2010) Differentiated Versus Integrated Transactive Memory Effectiveness: It Depends on the Task Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. 14: 384-398
Majchrzak A, Jarvenpaa SL, Hollingshead AB. (2007) Coordinating expertise among emergent groups responding to disasters Organization Science. 18: 147-161
Baer M, Oldham GR, Hollingshead AB, et al. (2005) Revisiting the Birth Order-Creativity Connection: The Role of Sibling Constellation Creativity Research Journal. 17: 67-77
Brandon DP, Hollingshead AB. (2004) Transactive Memory Systems in Organizations: Matching Tasks, Expertise, and People Organization Science. 15: 633-644
Wittenbaum GM, Hollingshead AB, Botero IC. (2004) From cooperative to motivated information sharing in groups: Moving beyond the hidden profile paradigm Communication Monographs. 71: 286-310
Hollingshead AB, Brandon DP. (2003) Potential Benefits of Communication in Transactive Memory Systems Human Communication Research. 29: 607-615
Hollingshead AB, Fraidin SN. (2003) Gender Stereotypes and Assumptions about Expertise in Transactive Memory Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 39: 355-363
Hollingshead AB. (2001) Cognitive interdependence and convergent expectations in transactive memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 81: 1080-1089
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