Ralph Etienne-Cummings

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
spinal locomotion circuits
"Ralph Etienne-Cummings"
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Jan Van der Spiegel grad student 1994 Penn (E-Tree)
 (Biologically Motivated Analog VLSI Systems for Optomotor Tasks )


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Viktor Gruev grad student 2005 Johns Hopkins
Matthew A. Clapp grad student 2006 Johns Hopkins
Swati Mehta grad student 2007 Johns Hopkins
R. J. Vogelstein grad student 2007 Johns Hopkins
Ralf M. Philipp grad student 2008 Johns Hopkins
Francesco V. Tenore grad student 2008 Johns Hopkins
Fopefolu O. Folowosele grad student 2010 Johns Hopkins
Alexander F. Russell grad student 2012 Johns Hopkins
Garrick M. Orchard grad student 2007-2012 Johns Hopkins
Garrick M. Orchard grad student 2007-2012 Johns Hopkins
Andre V. Harrison grad student 2013 Johns Hopkins
Jie (Jack) Zhang grad student 2010-2016 Johns Hopkins
BETA: Related publications


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Wang C, Zhang J, Wilson MA, et al. (2024) Pix2HDR - A pixel-wise acquisition and deep learning-based synthesis approach for high-speed HDR videos. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Zhang J, Newman J, Wang Z, et al. (2024) Pixel-wise programmability enables dynamic high-SNR cameras for high-speed microscopy. Nature Communications. 15: 4480
Aboumerhi K, Güemes A, Liu H, et al. (2023) Neuromorphic applications in medicine. Journal of Neural Engineering. 20
Zhang J, Newman J, Wang Z, et al. (2023) Pixel-wise programmability enables dynamic high-SNR cameras for high-speed microscopy. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Zhang J, Newman JP, Wang X, et al. (2020) A closed-loop, all-electronic pixel-wise adaptive imaging system for high dynamic range videography. Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems. I, Regular Papers : a Publication of the Ieee Circuits and Systems Society. 67: 1803-1814
Kwan C, Gribben D, Chou B, et al. (2020) Real-Time and Deep Learning Based Vehicle Detection and Classification Using Pixel-Wise Code Exposure Measurements Electronics. 9: 1014
Zhang J, Newman JP, Wang X, et al. (2020) A Closed-Loop, All-Electronic Pixel-Wise Adaptive Imaging System for High Dynamic Range Videography Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 67: 1803-1814
Thakur CS, Molin JL, Cauwenberghs G, et al. (2018) Large-Scale Neuromorphic Spiking Array Processors: A Quest to Mimic the Brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: 891
Xiong T, Zhang J, Martinez-Rubio C, et al. (2018) An Unsupervised Compressed Sensing Algorithm for Multi-Channel Neural Recording and Spike Sorting. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 26: 1121-1130
Thakur CS, Wang R, Hamilton TJ, et al. (2018) An Analogue Neuromorphic Co-Processor That Utilizes Device Mismatch for Learning Applications Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 65: 1174-1184
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