Tamas Kitka, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Semmelweis Egyetem, Hungary |
Medicine and SurgeryGoogle:
"Tamas Kitka"Mean distance: 21373.2
Sign in to add mentorGyorgy Bagdy | grad student | 2012 | Semmelweis Egyetem | |
(A szelektiv REM megvonas es a stressz hatasai az ezt koveto alvas rebound architekturajara es egyes hypothalamicus neuropeptidekre.) |
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Papp N, Koncz S, Kostyalik D, et al. (2019) Acute 5-HT Receptor Antagonist SB-242084 Treatment Affects EEG Gamma Band Activity Similarly to Chronic Escitalopram. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 10: 1636 |
Kostyalik D, Vas S, Kátai Z, et al. (2014) Chronic escitalopram treatment attenuated the accelerated rapid eye movement sleep transitions after selective rapid eye movement sleep deprivation: a model-based analysis using Markov chains. Bmc Neuroscience. 15: 120 |
Kátai Z, Adori C, Kitka T, et al. (2013) Acute escitalopram treatment inhibits REM sleep rebound and activation of MCH-expressing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus after long term selective REM sleep deprivation. Psychopharmacology. 228: 439-49 |
Kitka T, Adori C, Katai Z, et al. (2011) Association between the activation of MCH and orexin immunorective neurons and REM sleep architecture during REM rebound after a three day long REM deprivation. Neurochemistry International. 59: 686-94 |
Kitka T, Katai Z, Pap D, et al. (2009) Small platform sleep deprivation selectively increases the average duration of rapid eye movement sleep episodes during sleep rebound. Behavioural Brain Research. 205: 482-7 |
Kostyalik D, Vas S, Kitka T, et al. (2009) Analysis of sleep EEG during rebound sleep after three days REM deprivation Bmc Pharmacology. 9: A45 |
Kátai Z, Kitka T, Garay T, et al. (2009) P.1.d.010 Peak in the theta power spectrum of EEG shows strong association with voluntary movements in rats European Neuropsychopharmacology. 19: S292-S293 |
Gyongyosi N, Balogh B, Kirilly E, et al. (2008) MDMA treatment 6 months earlier attenuates the effects of CP-94,253, a 5-HT1B receptor agonist, on motor control but not sleep inhibition. Brain Research. 1231: 34-46 |