Lydia Doncarlos
Affiliations: | Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States |
Neuroscience BiologyGoogle:
"Lydia Doncarlos"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeDaniel Garcia-Ovejero | grad student | 2000-2000 | Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine |
Sarah E. Hund | grad student | 2006 | Loyola University Chicago |
Sara L. Sarkey | grad student | 2007 | Loyola University Chicago |
Betty H. Lorenz | grad student | 2009 | Loyola University Chicago |
Sign in to add collaboratorLuis Miguel GARCIA-SEGURA | collaborator | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain |
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Mohr MA, DonCarlos LL, Sisk CL. (2017) Inhibiting Production of New Brain Cells during Puberty or Adulthood Blunts the Hormonally Induced Surge of Luteinizing Hormone in Female Rats. Eneuro. 4 |
Johnson RT, Schneider A, DonCarlos LL, et al. (2012) Astrocytes in the rat medial amygdala are responsive to adult androgens. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 520: 2531-44 |
Azcoitia I, DonCarlos LL, Arevalo MA, et al. (2010) Therapeutic implications of brain steroidogenesis. Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation. 1: 21-6 |
DonCarlos LL, Azcoitia I, Garcia-Segura LM. (2009) Neuroprotective actions of selective estrogen receptor modulators Psychoneuroendocrinology. 34: S113-S122 |
Ahmed EI, Zehr JL, Schulz KM, et al. (2008) Pubertal hormones modulate the addition of new cells to sexually dimorphic brain regions. Nature Neuroscience. 11: 995-7 |
Jordan CL, Doncarlos L. (2008) Androgens in health and disease: an overview. Hormones and Behavior. 53: 589-95 |
Sarkey S, Azcoitia I, Garcia-Segura LM, et al. (2008) Classical androgen receptors in non-classical sites in the brain. Hormones and Behavior. 53: 753-64 |
Garcia-Segura LM, Lorenz B, DonCarlos LL. (2008) The role of glia in the hypothalamus: implications for gonadal steroid feedback and reproductive neuroendocrine output. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). 135: 419-29 |
Rickey LM, Sarkey S, DonCarlos LL. (2008) Estrogen-sensitive projections from the medial preoptic area to the dorsal pontine tegmentum, including Barrington's nucleus, in the rat. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 27: 440-5 |
DonCarlos LL, Azcoitia I, Garcia-Segura LM. (2007) In search of neuroprotective therapies based on the mechanisms of estrogens Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2: 387-397 |