Ashlan Paige Reid

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 
"Ashlan Reid"
Mean distance: 13.28 (cluster 17)


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Diego Contreras grad student 2001-2008 Penn
 (Interaction of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs in neurons of the thalamocortical network during normal and pathological brain activity: Computational modeling and dynamic clamp in vitro.)
Anthony M. Zador post-doc 2008- CSHL
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Levy RB, Marquarding T, Reid AP, et al. (2019) Circuit asymmetries underlie functional lateralization in the mouse auditory cortex. Nature Communications. 10: 2783
Kebschull JM, Garcia da Silva P, Reid AP, et al. (2016) High-Throughput Mapping of Single-Neuron Projections by Sequencing of Barcoded RNA. Neuron
Reid AP, Hromádka T, Zador AM. (2011) Probing inhibition in auditory cortex in vitro and in vivo using optogenetics F1000research. 2
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