Frank Stellabotte, Ph.D.

2007 Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, United States 
Cell Biology
"Frank Stellabotte"
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Stephen H. Devoto grad student 2007 Wesleyan
 (Differentiation of zebrafish muscle precursors: The dance of the dermomyotome.)
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Jin S, O J, Stellabotte F, et al. (2019) Expression of teneurin-m/odd Oz during segmentation in the beetle Tribolium castaneum. Gene Expression Patterns : Gep
Jin S, Jiyun O, Stellabotte F, et al. (2018) Foxi1 promotes late-stage pharyngeal pouch morphogenesis through ectodermal Wnt4a activation. Developmental Biology
Choe CP, Stellabotte F, Brown SJ. (2017) Regulation and function of odd-paired in Tribolium segmentation. Development Genes and Evolution
Forristall CA, Stellabotte F, Castillo A, et al. (2014) Embryological manipulations in the developing Xenopus inner ear reveal an intrinsic role for Wnt signaling in dorsal-ventral patterning Developmental Dynamics. 243: 1262-1274
Zuniga E, Stellabotte F, Crump JG. (2010) Jagged-Notch signaling ensures dorsal skeletal identity in the vertebrate face. Development (Cambridge, England). 137: 1843-52
Bird NC, Stellabotte F, Devoto SH. (2010) tbx24 is required for proper dermomyotome formation in the posterior trunk of zebrafish Developmental Biology. 344: 461
Stellabotte F, Devoto SH. (2007) The teleost dermomyotome. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 236: 2432-43
Stellabotte F, Dobbs-McAuliffe B, Fernández DA, et al. (2007) Dynamic somite cell rearrangements lead to distinct waves of myotome growth. Development (Cambridge, England). 134: 1253-7
Hirsinger E, Stellabotte F, Devoto SH, et al. (2004) Hedgehog signaling is required for commitment but not initial induction of slow muscle precursors. Developmental Biology. 275: 143-57
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