Anne S. Warlaumont

Cognitive and Information Sciences University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, United States 
Child language, computational modeling
"Anne Warlaumont"

Married to Rick Dale

Mean distance: 106866
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - CSD Tree


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Eugene H. Buder grad student 2008-2012 UC Merced (LinguisTree)
J. Kimbrough Oller grad student 2008-2012 UC Merced (LinguisTree)


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Jessica M. Ross collaborator
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Tamis-LeMonda CS, Kachergis G, Masek LR, et al. (2024) Comparing apples to manzanas and oranges to naranjas: A new measure of English-Spanish vocabulary for dual language learners. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies
Warlaumont AS, Sobowale K, Fausey CM. (2021) Daylong Mobile Audio Recordings Reveal Multitimescale Dynamics in Infants' Vocal Productions and Auditory Experiences. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 31: 12-19
Cychosz M, Cristia A, Bergelson E, et al. (2021) Vocal development in a large-scale crosslinguistic corpus. Developmental Science. e13090
Lopez LD, Walle EA, Pretzer GM, et al. (2020) Adult responses to infant prelinguistic vocalizations are associated with infant vocabulary: A home observation study. Plos One. 15: e0242232
Ritwika VPS, Pretzer GM, Mendoza S, et al. (2020) Exploratory dynamics of vocal foraging during infant-caregiver communication. Scientific Reports. 10: 10469
Ramsdell-Hudock HL, Warlaumont AS, Foss LE, et al. (2019) Classification of Infant Vocalizations by Untrained Listeners. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-11
Pretzer GM, Lopez LD, Walle EA, et al. (2019) Infant-adult vocal interaction dynamics depend on infant vocal type, child-directedness of adult speech, and timeframe. Infant Behavior & Development. 57: 101325
Oller DK, Griebel U, Iyer SN, et al. (2019) Language Origins Viewed in Spontaneous and Interactive Vocal Rates of Human and Bonobo Infants. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 729
Soderstrom M, Casillas M, Bergelson E, et al. (2019) Quantifying child directed speech cross-culturally across development The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1763-1763
VanDam M, De Palma P, Soderstrom M, et al. (2019) Daylong acoustic recordings of family and child speech using the HomeBank database The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1729-1729
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