Fernando Cardozo-Pelaez

Biomedical Sciences University of Montana, Missoula, MT 
Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology
"Fernando Cardozo-Pelaez"
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Sanchez-Contreras M, Cardozo-Pelaez F. (2016) Age-related length variability of polymorphic CAG repeats. Dna Repair
Yasuda N, Bolin C, Cardozo-Pelaez F, et al. (2015) Effects of repeated bouts of long-duration endurance exercise on muscle and urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in moderately trained cyclists. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33: 1692-701
Itsara LS, Kennedy SR, Fox EJ, et al. (2014) Oxidative stress is not a major contributor to somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations. Plos Genetics. 10: e1003974
Cardozo-Pelaez F, Sanchez-Contreras M, Nevin AB. (2012) Ogg1 null mice exhibit age-associated loss of the nigrostriatal pathway and increased sensitivity to MPTP. Neurochemistry International. 61: 721-30
Cardozo-Pelaez F, Brown T. (2010) Using GTP as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress to Determine Synergistic Interactions between Iron and Paraquat Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 49
Cerchiaro G, Bolin C, Cardozo-Pelaez F. (2009) Hydroxyl radical oxidation of guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP): requirement for a GTP-Cu(II) complex. Redox Report : Communications in Free Radical Research. 14: 82-92
Zawia NH, Lahiri DK, Cardozo-Pelaez F. (2009) Epigenetics, oxidative stress, and Alzheimer disease. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 46: 1241-9
Bolin C, Cardozo-Pelaez F. (2009) Characterization of oxidized guanosine 5'-triphosphate as a viable inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 46: 828-35
Kronenberg G, Harms C, Sobol RW, et al. (2008) Folate deficiency induces neurodegeneration and brain dysfunction in mice lacking uracil DNA glycosylase. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 7219-30
Wu J, Basha MR, Brock B, et al. (2008) Alzheimer's disease (AD)-like pathology in aged monkeys after infantile exposure to environmental metal lead (Pb): evidence for a developmental origin and environmental link for AD. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 3-9
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