Catherine Thinus-Blanc, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive |
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Chauvière L, Rafrafi N, Thinus-Blanc C, et al. (2009) Early deficits in spatial memory and theta rhythm in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 5402-10 |
Latini Corazzini L, Peruch P, Nesa MP, et al. (2006) Neural bases of route-survey processing in topographical memory Cognitive Processing. 7: S131-S133 |
Latini Corazzini L, Peruch P, Geminiani G, et al. (2006) Forgetting rate of topographical memory in a virtual environment Cognitive Processing. 7: S56-S58 |
Vargas JP, López JC, Salas C, et al. (2004) Encoding of geometric and featural spatial information by goldfish (Carassius auratus). Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 118: 206-16 |
Tommasi L, Thinus-Blanc C. (2004) Generalization in place learning and geometry knowledge in rats. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 11: 153-61 |
Chabanne V, Péruch P, Thinus-Blanc C. (2003) Virtual to real transfer of spatial learning in a complex environment: The role of path network and additional features Spatial Cognition and Computation. 3: 43-59 |
Gouteux S, Thinus-Blanc C, Vauclair J. (2001) Rhesus monkeys use geometric and nongeometric information during a reorientation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 130: 505-19 |
Gouteux S, Vauclair J, Thinus-Blanc C. (2001) Reorientation in a small-scale environment by 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children Cognitive Development. 16: 853-869 |
López JC, Broglio C, RodrÃguez F, et al. (2000) Reversal learning deficit in a spatial task but not in a cued one after telencephalic ablation in goldfish. Behavioural Brain Research. 109: 91-8 |
Gouteux S, Vauclair J, Thinus-Blanc C. (1999) Reaction to spatial novelty and exploratory strategies in baboons Animal Learning and Behavior. 27: 323-332 |