Sharon S. Ishikawa, Ph.D.

2000 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
"Sharon Ishikawa"


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Seymour Feshbach grad student 2000 UCLA
 (Psychophysiological, neuropsychological, and psychosocial differences between psychopaths with and without a history of criminal conviction.)
Adrian Raine grad student 2000 UCLA (Neurotree)
 (Psychophysiological, neuropsychological, and psychosocial differences between psychopaths with and without a history of criminal conviction.)
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Raine A, Ishikawa SS, Arce E, et al. (2004) Hippocampal structural asymmetry in unsuccessful psychopaths. Biological Psychiatry. 55: 185-91
Raine A, Lencz T, Taylor K, et al. (2003) Corpus callosum abnormalities in psychopathic antisocial individuals. Archives of General Psychiatry. 60: 1134-42
Ishikawa SS, Raine A, Lencz T, et al. (2001) Increased height and bulk in antisocial personality disorder and its subtypes. Psychiatry Research. 105: 211-9
Ishikawa SS, Raine A, Lencz T, et al. (2001) Autonomic stress reactivity and executive functions in successful and unsuccessful criminal psychopaths from the community. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 110: 423-32
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