Geunyoung Kim, Ph.D.

2006 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Developmental Psychology
"Geunyoung Kim"
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Tedra A. Walden grad student 2006 Vanderbilt
 (Infants' sensitivity to knowledge of message providers during social referencing: Implications for socio -cognitive understanding and contagion effect.)
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Kim G, Kwak K. (2011) Uncertainty matters: Impact of stimulus ambiguity on infant social referencing Infant and Child Development. 20: 449-463
Kim G, Walden TA, Knieps LJ. (2010) Impact and characteristics of positive and fearful emotional messages during infant social referencing. Infant Behavior & Development. 33: 189-95
Walden T, Kim G, McCoy C, et al. (2007) Do you believe in magic? Infants' social looking during violations of expectations: PAPER Developmental Science. 10: 654-663
Kim G, Walden T, Harris V, et al. (2007) Positive emotion, negative emotion, and emotion control in the externalizing problems of school-aged children Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 37: 221-239
Walden TA, Kim G. (2005) Infants' social looking toward mothers and strangers International Journal of Behavioral Development. 29: 356-360
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