Russell Revlin, Ph.D

Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
"Russell Revlin"


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Herbert A. Simon grad student UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree)


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Dustin P. Calvillo grad student 2006 UC Santa Barbara
Alexander B. Swan grad student 2011-2016 UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree)
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Swan AB, Calvillo DP, Revlin R. (2018) To detect or not to detect: A replication and extension of the three-stage model. Acta Psychologica. 187: 54-65
Van Lier J, Revlin R, De Neys W. (2013) Detecting cheaters without thinking: testing the automaticity of the cheater detection module. Plos One. 8: e53827
Calvillo DP, DeLeeuw K, Revlin R. (2006) Deduction with euler circles: Diagrams that hurt Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 4045: 199-203
Calvillo DP, Revlin R. (2005) The role of similarity in deductive categorical inference. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 12: 938-44
Revlin R, Calvillo DP, Ballard S. (2005) Counterfactual reasoning: Resolving inconsistency before your eyes Psychologica Belgica. 45: 47-56
Revlin R, Cate CL, Rouss TS. (2001) Reasoning counterfactually: combining and rending. Memory & Cognition. 29: 1196-208
Revlin R, Hegarty M. (1999) Resolving signals to cohesion: Two models of bridging inference Discourse Processes. 27: 77-102
Farris H, Revlin R. (1991) Rule Discovery Strategies: Falsification without Disconfirmation (Reply to Gorman) Social Studies of Science. 21: 565-567
Farris HH, Revlin R. (1989) Sensible reasoning in two tasks: rule discovery and hypothesis evaluation. Memory & Cognition. 17: 221-32
Farris H, Revlin R. (1989) The Discovery Process: A Counterfactual Strategy: Social Studies of Science. 19: 497-513
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