Amy S. Nordness, Ph.D.

2011 Communication Disorders The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Speech Pathology
"Amy Nordness"
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David R. Beukelman grad student 2011 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Perceptual and acoustical comparisons of motor speech practice options for children with childhood apraxia of speech.)
BETA: Related publications


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Beukelman DR, Nordness A. (2017) Patient-Provider Communication for People with Severe Dysarthria: Referral Policies that Lead to Systems Change. Seminars in Speech and Language. 38: 239-250
Nordness AS, Beukelman DR. (2017) Supporting Patient Provider Communication Across Medical Settings Topics in Language Disorders. 37: 334-347
Beukelman D, Fager S, Nordness A. (2011) Communication Support for People with ALS. Neurology Research International. 2011: 714693
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