Vlastislav Bracha

Biomedical Sciences Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Neuroscience Biology
"Vlastislav Bracha"
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Gary Zenitsky collaborator 2001-2013 Iowa State
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Claassen J, Mazilescu L, Thieme A, et al. (2015) Lack of renewal effect in extinction of naturally acquired conditioned eyeblink responses, but possible dependency on physical context. Experimental Brain Research. 234: 151-9
Thürling M, Galuba J, Thieme A, et al. (2014) Age effects in storage and extinction of a naturally acquired conditioned eyeblink response. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 109: 104-12
Thieme A, Thürling M, Galuba J, et al. (2013) Storage of a naturally acquired conditioned response is impaired in patients with cerebellar degeneration. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 136: 2063-76
Carrel AJ, Zenitsky GD, Bracha V. (2013) Blocking glutamate-mediated inferior olivary signals abolishes expression of conditioned eyeblinks but does not prevent their acquisition. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 9097-103
Perciavalle V, Apps R, Bracha V, et al. (2013) Consensus paper: current views on the role of cerebellar interpositus nucleus in movement control and emotion. Cerebellum (London, England). 12: 738-57
Zbarska S, Bracha V. (2012) Assessing the role of inferior olivary sensory signaling in the expression of conditioned eyeblinks using a combined glutamate/GABAA receptor antagonist protocol. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 273-82
Carrel AJ, Zbarska S, Zenitsky GD, et al. (2012) A trigeminal conditioned stimulus yields fast acquisition of cerebellum-dependent conditioned eyeblinks. Behavioural Brain Research. 226: 189-96
Parker KL, Bracha V. (2009) Inactivating the middle cerebellar peduncle abolishes the expression of short-latency conditioned eyeblinks. Brain Research. 1303: 32-8
Parker KL, Zbarska S, Carrel AJ, et al. (2009) Blocking GABAA neurotransmission in the interposed nuclei: effects on conditioned and unconditioned eyeblinks. Brain Research. 1292: 25-37
Bracha V, Zbarska S, Parker K, et al. (2009) The cerebellum and eye-blink conditioning: learning versus network performance hypotheses. Neuroscience. 162: 787-96
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