Achilles A. Armenakis

Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
Management Business Administration, Psychometrics Psychology, Industrial Psychology
"Achilles Armenakis"
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Heyler SG, Armenakis AA, Walker AG, et al. (2016) A qualitative study investigating the ethical decision making process: A proposed model The Leadership Quarterly. 27: 788-801
Randall WS, Hawkins TG, Haynie JJ, et al. (2015) Performance-based logistics and interfirm team processes: An empirical investigation Journal of Business Logistics. 36: 212-230
By RT, Armenakis AA, Burnes B. (2015) Organizational Change: A Focus on Ethical Cultures and Mindfulness Journal of Change Management. 15: 1-7
Carter MZ, Mossholder KW, Feild HS, et al. (2014) Transformational Leadership, Interactional Justice, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Effects of Racial and Gender Dissimilarity Between Supervisors and Subordinates Group and Organization Management. 39: 691-719
DeBode JD, Armenakis AA, Feild HS, et al. (2013) Assessing Ethical Organizational Culture: Refinement of a Scale Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 49: 460-484
Armenakis A, Lang I. (2013) Forensic Diagnosis and Transformation of an Organizational Culture Journal of Change Management. 14: 149-170
Carter MZ, Armenakis AA, Feild HS, et al. (2013) Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change Journal of Organizational Behavior. 34: 942-958
Rafferty AE, Jimmieson NL, Armenakis AA. (2012) Change Readiness Journal of Management. 39: 110-135
Day KM, Armenakis AA, Feild HS, et al. (2012) Other Organizations Are Doing It, Why Shouldn't We? A Look at Downsizing and Organizational Identity through an Institutional Theory Lens Journal of Change Management. 12: 165-188
Oreg S, Vakola M, Armenakis A. (2011) Change Recipients’ Reactions to Organizational Change The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 47: 461-524
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