Reece Mazade

SUNY Optometry, New York, NY, United States 
visual neuroscience
"Reece Mazade"
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Olianezhad F, Jin J, Najafian S, et al. (2024) Binocular receptive-field construction in the primary visual cortex. Current Biology : Cb
Mazade R, Jin J, Rahimi-Nasrabadi H, et al. (2022) Cortical mechanisms of visual brightness. Cell Reports. 40: 111438
Aung MH, Hogan K, Mazade RE, et al. (2022) ON than OFF pathway disruption leads to greater deficits in visual function and retinal dopamine signaling. Experimental Eye Research. 220: 109091
Brown DM, Mazade R, Clarkson-Townsend D, et al. (2022) Candidate pathways for retina to scleral signaling in refractive eye growth. Experimental Eye Research. 219: 109071
Rahimi-Nasrabadi H, Jin J, Mazade R, et al. (2021) Image luminance changes contrast sensitivity in visual cortex. Cell Reports. 34: 108692
Mazade RE, Eggers ED. (2020) Inhibitory components of retinal bipolar cell receptive fields are differentially modulated by dopamine D1 receptors. Visual Neuroscience. 37: E01
Mazade R, Alonso JM. (2019) Synergy in Cortical Networks. Neuron. 104: 184-185
Pons C, Jin J, Mazade R, et al. (2019) Amblyopia affects the ON visual pathway more than the OFF. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Mazade R, Jin J, Pons C, et al. (2019) Functional Specialization of ON and OFF Cortical Pathways for Global-Slow and Local-Fast Vision. Cell Reports. 27: 2881-2894.e5
Mazade RE, Flood MD, Eggers ED. (2019) Dopamine D1 receptor activation reduces local inner retinal inhibition to light-adapted levels. Journal of Neurophysiology
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