Kenna D. Peusner
Affiliations: | Biomedical Sciences | The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States |
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Sign in to add traineeAdria Gottesman-Davis | grad student | 2011 | The George Washington University |
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Peusner KD, Shao M, Reddaway R, et al. (2012) Basic Concepts in Understanding Recovery of Function in Vestibular Reflex Networks during Vestibular Compensation. Frontiers in Neurology. 3: 17 |
Shao M, Hirsch JC, Peusner KD. (2012) Plasticity of spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity in morphologically defined vestibular nuclei neurons during early vestibular compensation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 29-41 |
Popratiloff A, Shao M, Hirsch JC, et al. (2011) Expression of glutamate receptors and potassium channels in vestibular nuclei neurons during development of signal processing. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation. 21: 21-31 |
Peusner KD. (2011) Signal processing in first- and second-order vestibular neurons. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation. 21: 1-3 |
Gottesman-Davis A, Shao M, Hirsch JC, et al. (2011) Electrophysiological properties of morphologically-identified medial vestibular nucleus neurons projecting to the abducens nucleus in the chick embryo. Neuroscience. 172: 494-509 |
Popratiloff A, Peusner KD. (2010) GABA and glycine immunolabeling in the chicken tangential nucleus. Neuroscience. 175: 328-43 |
Gottesman-Davis A, Peusner KD. (2010) Identification of vestibuloocular projection neurons in the developing chicken medial vestibular nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 88: 290-303 |
Shao M, Popratiloff A, Hirsch JC, et al. (2009) Presynaptic and postsynaptic ion channel expression in vestibular nuclei neurons after unilateral vestibular deafferentation. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation. 19: 191-200 |
Shao M, Popratiloff A, Yi J, et al. (2009) Adaptation of chicken vestibular nucleus neurons to unilateral vestibular ganglionectomy. Neuroscience. 161: 988-1007 |
Shao M, Gottesman-Davis A, Popratiloff A, et al. (2008) Dye coupling in developing vestibular nuclei. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 86: 832-44 |