Richard L. Venezky
Affiliations: | University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States |
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Reading Education, Educational Psychology EducationGoogle:
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Venezky RL. (2004) In search of the perfect orthography Written Language and Literacy. 7: 139-163 |
Venezky RL, Sabatini JP. (2002) Introduction to This Special Issue: Reading Development in Adults Scientific Studies of Reading. 6: 217-220 |
Venezky RL. (2000) The Origins of the Present-Day Chasm between Adult Literacy Needs and School Literacy Instruction. Scientific Studies of Reading. 4: 19-39 |
Gong B, Venezky R, Mioduser D. (1992) Instructional assessments: Lever for systemic change in science education classrooms Journal of Science Education and Technology. 1: 157-176 |
Venezky RL. (1987) A History of the American Reading Textbook Elementary School Journal. 87: 247-265 |
Venezky RL. (1986) Chapter 4: Steps Toward a Modern History of American Reading Instruction: Review of Research in Education. 13: 129-167 |
Venezky RL. (1986) Steps toward a Modern History of American Reading Instruction Review of Research in Education. 13: 129 |
Lund A, Massaro DW, Taylor GA, et al. (1981) Letter and Word Perception The American Journal of Psychology. 94: 544 |
Venezky RL, Kavanagh JF. (1980) Orthography, reading, and dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 29: 183-7 |
Massaro DW, Venezky RL, Taylor GA. (1979) Orthographic regularity, positional frequency, and visual processing of letter strings: a reply to Krueger's comments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 108: 131-2 |