Madonna G. Constantine
Affiliations: | Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology, Black StudiesGoogle:
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Utsey SO, Constantine MG. (2008) Mediating and moderating effects of racism-related stress on the relation between poverty-related risk factors and subjective well-being in a community sample of African Americans Journal of Loss and Trauma. 13: 186-204 |
Gushue GV, Constantine MG, Sciarra DT. (2008) The influence of culture, self-reported multicultural counseling competence, and shifting standards of judgment on perceptions of family functioning of white family counselors Journal of Counseling and Development. 86: 85-94 |
Constantine MG, Smith L, Redington RM, et al. (2008) Racial Microaggressions Against Black Counseling and Counseling Psychology Faculty: A Central Challenge in the Multicultural Counseling Movement Journal of Counseling and Development. 86: 348-355 |
Constantine MG, Kindaichi MM, Miville ML. (2007) Factors Influencing the Educational and Vocational Transitions of Black and Latino High School Students Professional School Counseling. 10: 261-265 |
Constantine MG, Sue DW. (2007) Addressing Racism: Facilitating Cultural Competence in Mental Health and Educational Settings Education Review |
Berkel LA, Constantine MG, Olson EA. (2007) Supervisor multicultural competence: Addressing religious and spiritual issues with counseling students in supervision Clinical Supervisor. 26: 3-15 |
Reynolds AL, Constantine MG. (2007) Cultural Adjustment Difficulties and Career Development of International College Students Journal of Career Assessment. 15: 338-350 |
Gushue GV, Constantine MG. (2007) Color-Blind Racial Attitudes and White Racial Identity Attitudes in Psychology Trainees Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 38: 321-328 |
Constantine MG, Sue DW. (2007) Perceptions of Racial Microaggressions Among Black Supervisees in Cross-Racial Dyads Journal of Counseling Psychology. 54: 142-153 |
Constantine MG. (2007) Racial Microaggressions Against African American Clients in Cross-Racial Counseling Relationships Journal of Counseling Psychology. 54: 1-16 |