Robert Bodizs

Semmelweis Egyetem, Hungary 
Neuroscience Biology
"Robert Bodizs"
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Ujma PP, Bódizs R. (2024) Sleep alterations as a function of 88 health indicators. Bmc Medicine. 22: 134
Bódizs R, Schneider B, Ujma PP, et al. (2024) Fundamentals of sleep regulation: Model and benchmark values for fractal and oscillatory neurodynamics. Progress in Neurobiology. 234: 102589
Vojnits B, Magyar TZ, Szalárdy O, et al. (2024) Mobile sleep EEG suggests delayed brain maturation in adolescents with ADHD: A focus on oscillatory spindle frequency. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 146: 104693
Szalárdy O, Simor P, Ujma PP, et al. (2024) Temporal association between sleep spindles and ripples in the human anterior and mediodorsal thalamus. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Vojnits B, Bodizs R. (2024) [The Impact of Psychostimulants on Sleep in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review of Polysomnography Studies]. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet Lapja = Official Journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. 25: 212-222
Ujma PP, Bódizs R, Dresler M, et al. (2023) Multivariate prediction of cognitive performance from the sleep electroencephalogram. Neuroimage. 279: 120319
Simor P, Peigneux P, Bódizs R. (2023) Sleep and dreaming in the light of reactive and predictive homeostasis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 147: 105104
Becske M, Lázár I, Bódizs R. (2022) A questionnaire measure of adult attachment anxiety correlates with frontal hemispheric asymmetry in sleep spindle activity. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 21: 155-163
Papp A, Horváth A, Gombos F, et al. (2022) Analysis of slow and fast sleep spindle properties in Parkinson's disease - A comparative EEG study. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 182: 220-230
Ujma PP, Dresler M, Simor P, et al. (2022) The sleep EEG envelope is a novel, neuronal firing-based human biomarker. Scientific Reports. 12: 18836
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