Donald R. Lichtenstein

University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Donald Lichtenstein"
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de Langhe B, Fernbach PM, Lichtenstein DR. (2016) Star Wars: Response to Simonson, Winer/Fader, and Kozinets Journal of Consumer Research. 42: 850-857
de Langhe B, Fernbach PM, Lichtenstein DR. (2015) Navigating by the Stars: Investigating the Actual and Perceived Validity of Online User Ratings Journal of Consumer Research. 42: 817-833
Kan C, Lichtenstein DR, Grant SJ, et al. (2014) Strengthening the Influence of Advertised Reference Prices through Information Priming Journal of Consumer Research. 40: 1078-1096
Suk K, Lee J, Lichtenstein DR. (2012) The Influence of Price Presentation Order on Consumer Choice Journal of Marketing Research. 49: 708-717
Mohr GS, Lichtenstein DR, Janiszewski C. (2012) The Effect of Marketer-Suggested Serving Size on Consumer Responses: The Unintended Consequences of Consumer Attention to Calorie Information: Journal of Marketing. 76: 59-75
Netemeyer RG, Maxham JG, Lichtenstein DR. (2010) Store manager performance and satisfaction: effects on store employee performance and satisfaction, store customer satisfaction, and store customer spending growth. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95: 530-45
Suk K, Yoon S, Lichtenstein DR, et al. (2010) The Effect of Reference Point Diagnosticity on Attractiveness and Intentions Ratings Journal of Marketing Research. 47: 983-995
Lichtenstein DR, Netemeyer RG, Maxham JG. (2010) The Relationships Among Manager-, Employee-, and Customer-Company Identification: Implications For Retail Store Financial Performance Journal of Retailing. 86: 85-93
Janiszewski C, Lichtenstein DR, Belyavsky J. (2008) Judgments about judgments: the dissociation of consideration price and transaction commitment judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied. 14: 151-64
Maxham JG, Netemeyer RG, Lichtenstein DR. (2008) The Retail Value Chain: Linking Employee Perceptions to Employee Performance, Customer Evaluations, and Store Performance Marketing Science. 27: 147-167
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