Mario F. Wullimann, PhD

Department Biology II Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany 
Developmental Neurobiology
"Mario Wullimann"
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Wullimann MF, Mokayes N, Shainer I, et al. (2023) Genoarchitectonics of the larval zebrafish diencephalon. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Eugenin von Bernhardi J, Biechl D, Miek L, et al. (2022) A versatile transcription factor: Multiple roles of orthopedia a (otpa) beyond its restricted localization in dopaminergic systems of developing and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) brains. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Wullimann MF. (2020) Neural origins of basal diencephalon in teleost fishes: Radial versus tangential migration. Journal of Morphology
Wullimann MF, Umeasalugo KE. (2019) Sonic hedgehog expression in zebrafish forebrain identifies the teleostean pallidal signaling center and shows preglomerular complex and posterior tubercular dopamine cells to arise from shh cells. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Rosner E, Chagnaud BP, Wullimann MF. (2019) Serotonin systems in three socially communicating teleost species, the grunting toadfish (Allenbatrachus grunniens), a South American marine catfish (Ariopsis seemannii), and the upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris). Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy. 101708
Baeuml SW, Biechl D, Wullimann MF. (2019) Adult Expression Outlines Ventralized Derivatives Along Zebrafish Neuraxis. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 13: 19
Zeymer M, von der Emde G, Wullimann MF. (2018) The Mormyrid Optic Tectum Is a Topographic Interface for Active Electrolocation and Visual Sensing. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 12: 79
Wullimann MF, Grothe B, Straka H, et al. (2017) Vertebrate Sensory Systems and Brains: From Genes to Behavior. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 90: 97
Biechl D, Tietje K, Ryu S, et al. (2017) Identification of accessory olfactory system and medial amygdala in the zebrafish. Scientific Reports. 7: 44295
Karoubi N, Segev R, Wullimann MF. (2016) The Brain of the Archerfish Toxotes chatareus: A Nissl-Based Neuroanatomical Atlas and Catecholaminergic/Cholinergic Systems. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 10: 106
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