Anna Lamin, Ph.D.

2007 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Management Business Administration
"Anna Lamin"
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Srilata Zaheer grad student 2007 UMN
 (The effect of business group affiliation on firm strategy.)
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Lamin A, Livanis G. (2020) Do third-party certifications work in a weak institutional environment? Journal of International Management. 26: 100742
McCarthy DJ, Puffer SM, Lamin A. (2018) Entrepreneurial orientation in a hostile and turbulent environment: risk and innovativeness among successful Russian entrepreneurs European Journal of International Management. 12: 191
Livanis G, Lamin A. (2016) Knowledge, Proximity and R&D Exodus Research Policy. 45: 8-26
Lamin A, Ramos MA. (2016) R&D investment dynamics in agglomerations under weak appropriability regimes: Evidence from Indian R&D labs Southern Medical Journal. 37: 604-621
Lamin A, Livanis G. (2013) Agglomeration, catch-up and the liability of foreignness in emerging economies Journal of International Business Studies. 44: 579-606
Lamin A. (2012) Business Groups as Information Resource: An Investigation of Business Group Affiliation in the Indian Software Services Industry Academy of Management Journal. 56: 1487-1509
Lamin A, Zaheer S. (2012) Wall Street vs. Main Street: Firm Strategies for Defending Legitimacy and Their Impact on Different Stakeholders Organization Science. 23: 47-66
Lamin A, Dunlap D. (2011) Complex technological capabilities in emerging economy firms: The role of organizational relationships Journal of International Management. 17: 211-228
Robertson CJ, Lamin A, Livanis G. (2010) Stakeholder Perceptions of Offshoring and Outsourcing: The Role of Embedded Issues Journal of Business Ethics. 95: 167-189
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