Tore A. Nielsen

Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
Physiological Psychology, Clinical Psychology
"Tore Nielsen"
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Picard-Deland C, Konkoly K, Raider R, et al. (2022) The memory sources of dreams: Serial awakenings across sleep stages and time of night. Sleep
Picard-Deland C, Nielsen T, Carr M. (2021) Dreaming of the sleep lab. Plos One. 16: e0257738
Picard-Deland C, Nielsen T. (2021) Targeted memory reactivation has a sleep stage-specific delayed effect on dream content. Journal of Sleep Research. e13391
Picard-Deland C, Aumont T, Samson-Richer A, et al. (2021) Whole-body procedural learning benefits from targeted memory reactivation in REM sleep and task-related dreaming. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 183: 107460
Picard-Deland C, Pastor M, Solomonova E, et al. (2020) Flying dreams stimulated by an immersive virtual reality task. Consciousness and Cognition. 83: 102958
Blanchette-Carrière C, Julien SH, Picard-Deland C, et al. (2020) Attempted induction of signalled lucid dreaming by transcranial alternating current stimulation. Consciousness and Cognition. 83: 102957
Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, et al. (2019) Different Patterns of Sleep-Dependent Procedural Memory Consolidation in Vipassana Meditation Practitioners and Non-meditating Controls. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 3014
Christensen JAE, Aubin S, Nielsen T, et al. (2019) Rapid eye movements are reduced in blind individuals. Journal of Sleep Research. 28: e12866
Nielsen T, Carr M, Picard-Deland C, et al. (2019) Early childhood adversity associations with nightmare severity and sleep spindles. Sleep Medicine
Marquis LP, Julien SH, Baril AA, et al. (2019) Nightmare Severity Is Inversely Related to Frontal Brain Activity During Waking State Picture Viewing. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
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