Pierre Mercier

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Pierre Mercier"
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Krewski D, Lemyre L, Turner MC, et al. (2009) Public perception of population health risks in Canada: Health hazards and health outcomes International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. 11: 315-334
Krewski D, Lemyre L, Turner MC, et al. (2008) Public perception of population health risks in Canada: Risk perception beliefs Health, Risk and Society. 10: 167-179
Lemyre L, Lee JEC, Mercier P, et al. (2006) The structure of Canadians' health risk perceptions: Environmental, therapeutic and social health risks Health, Risk and Society. 8: 185-195
Krewski D, Lemyre L, Turner MC, et al. (2006) Public perception of population health risks in Canada: Health hazards and sources of information Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 12: 626-644
Lee JEC, Lemyre L, Mercier P, et al. (2005) Beyond the hazard: The role of beliefs in health risk perception Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 11: 1111-1126
Parr WV, Mercier P. (1998) Adult Age Differences in On-Line Contingency Judgements Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 52: 147-159
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