Gail Crombie

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Developmental Psychology
"Gail Crombie"
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Silverthorn N, Dubois DL, Crombie G. (2005) Self-Perceptions of Ability and Achievement Across the High School Transition: Investigation of a State—Trait Model The Journal of Experimental Education. 73: 191-218
Crombie G, Sinclair N, Silverthorn N, et al. (2005) Predictors of Young Adolescents’ Math Grades and Course Enrollment Intentions: Gender Similarities and Differences Sex Roles. 52: 351-367
Crombie G, Pyke SW, Silverthorn N, et al. (2003) Students' Perceptions of Their Classroom Participation and Instructor as a Function of Gender and Context The Journal of Higher Education. 74: 51-76
Byrne BM, Crombie G. (2003) Modeling and Testing Change: An Introduction to the Latent Growth Curve Model Understanding Statistics. 2: 177-203
Crombie G, Abarbanel T, Trinneer A. (2002) All-Female Classes in High School Computer Science: Positive Effects in Three Years of Data Journal of Educational Computing Research. 27: 385-409
Crombie G, Abarbanel T, Anderson C. (2000) Bridging the Gender Gap in High-Technology Education Nassp Bulletin. 84: 64-73
Armstrong PI, Crombie G. (2000) Compromises in Adolescents' Occupational Aspirations and Expectations from Grades 8 to 10 Journal of Vocational Behavior. 56: 82-98
Crombie G, Armstrong PI. (1999) Effects of Classroom Gender Composition on Adolescents' Computer-Related Attitudes and Future Intentions Journal of Educational Computing Research. 20: 317-327
Absi-Semaan N, Crombie G, Freeman C. (1993) Masculinity and Femininity in Middle Childhood: Developmental and Factor Analyses. Sex Roles. 28: 187-206
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