Stephanie C. Dion, Ph.D.

2002 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Stephanie Dion"
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Luc G. Pelletier grad student 2002 University of Ottawa
 (Une analyse motivationnelle de la regularisation du comportement alimentaire.)
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Pelletier LG, Dion SC. (2007) An examination of general and specific motivational mechanisms for the relations between body dissatisfaction and eating behaviors Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 26: 303-333
Pelletier LG, Dion SC, Slovinec-D'Angelo M, et al. (2004) Why Do You Regulate What You Eat? Relationships Between Forms of Regulation, Eating Behaviors, Sustained Dietary Behavior Change, and Psychological Adjustment Motivation and Emotion. 28: 245-277
Pelletier LG, Dion S, Tuson K, et al. (1999) Why Do People Fail to Adopt Environmental Protective Behaviors? Toward a Taxonomy of Environmental Amotivation1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 29: 2481-2504
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