Catherine Cramer, PhD

Paychological & Brain Sciences Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
"Catherine Cramer"
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Blass EM, Cramer CP, Fanselow MS. (1993) The development of morphine-induced antinociception in neonatal rats: a comparison of forepaw, hindpaw, and tail retraction from a thermal stimulus. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 44: 643-9
McLaughlin CR, Cramer CP. (1991) Nociceptive responses of 3-day-old rat pups to IP injection of lithium carbonate Developmental Psychobiology. 24: 299-305
Thiels E, Alberts JR, Cramer CP. (1990) Weaning in rats: II. Pup behavior patterns. Developmental Psychobiology. 23: 495-510
Cramer CP, Thiels E, Alberts JR. (1990) Weaning in rats: I. Maternal behavior. Developmental Psychobiology. 23: 479-93
McLaughlin CR, Lichtman AH, Fanselow MS, et al. (1990) Tonic nociception in neonatal rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 36: 859-62
Bateman ST, Lichtman AH, Cramer CP. (1990) Peripheral serotonergic inhibition of suckling. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 37: 219-25
Lichtman AH, Cramer CP. (1989) Relative importance of experience, social facilitation, and availability of milk in weaning of rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 22: 347-56
Lichtman AH, Cramer CP. (1989) Methysergide-induced nipple attachment depends on suckling experience in juvenile rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 103: 254-61
McLaughlin CR, Lichtman AH, Fanselow MS, et al. (1989) Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 serves as a conditioned stimulus in the acquisition of conditioned tolerance. Behavioral Neuroscience. 103: 447-51
McLaughlin CR, Lichtman AH, Pretlow JP, et al. (1989) The ontogenesis of lithium-induced effects on suckling: inhibition and facilitation. Developmental Psychobiology. 22: 803-15
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