Lucie Cote, Ph.D.

2001 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Industrial Psychology, Banking Business Administration
"Lucie Cote"
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Henry P. Edwards grad student 2001 University of Ottawa
 (La crise du burnout chez les employees d'une institution financiere: Elaboration d'un modele.)
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Lortie-Lussier M, Côté L, Vachon J. (2000) The Consistency and Continuity Hypotheses Revisited through the Dreams of Women at Two Periods of their Lives Dreaming. 10: 67-76
Côté L, Lortie-Lussier M, Roy M, et al. (1996) Continuity and change: The dreams of women throughout adulthood. Dreaming. 6: 187-199
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