Jenelle N. Gilbert, Ph.D.

2000 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Physical Education, Clinical Psychology
"Jenelle Gilbert"
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Cynthia Morawski grad student 2000 University of Ottawa
 (The female adolescent team sport athlete: Stress and ways of coping.)
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Gilbert JN, Moore-Reed SD, Clifton AM. (2017) Teaching Sport Psychology for Now and the Future? The Psychological UNIFORM with High School Varsity Athletes Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 31: 88-100
Gilbert JN. (2017) Sport Psychology Teaching Approaches for High School Coaches and Their Student-Athletes. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 88: 52-58
Robbins JE, Gilbert JN, Clifton AM. (2015) Coaching Stressors in a Division II Historically Black University Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. 8: 183-205
Gilbert JN, Lyon H, Wahl M. (2015) Coping with the Stress of Athletic Injury: How Coaches Can Help Strategies: a Journal For Physical and Sport Educators. 28: 33-39
Horn CM, Gilbert JN, Gilbert WD, et al. (2011) Psychological Skills Training With Community College Athletes: The UNIFORM Approach Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 25: 321-340
Gilbert JN. (2011) Teaching Sport Psychology to High School Student-Athletes: The Psychological UNIFORM and the Game Plan Format Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 2: 1-9
Villanueva MG, Bennett A, Gilbert J, et al. (2010) Recovery-Stress State: RESTQ-Sport Questionnaire Responses versus Training Load and Performance Changes In Division-I Football Players: 3038 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 42: 836
Gilbert W, Lichtenwaldt L, Gilbert J, et al. (2009) Developmental Profiles of Successful High School Coaches International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 4: 415-431
Gilbert JN, Gilbert WD, Loney B, et al. (2007) Sport Psychology in an Urban High School: Overview of Two-Year Collaboration. Journal of Education. 187: 67-87
Johnson CA, Gilbert JN. (2004) The Psychological Uniform: Using Mental Skills in Youth Sport Strategies: a Journal For Physical and Sport Educators. 18: 5-9
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