Suzanne T. Millman, Ph.D.

2000 University of Guelph (Canada), Guelph, Ontario, Canada 
Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Behavioral Psychology
"Suzanne Millman"
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Ian J. H. Duncan grad student 2000 University of Guelph (Canada)
 (An investigation into extreme aggressiveness of broiler breeder males.)
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Robbins J, Parsons R, Johnson A, et al. (2019) 321 Socio-demographic factors associated with attitudes towards animals among first-year veterinary students Journal of Animal Science. 97: 5-6
Johnson AK, Colpoys JD, Garcia A, et al. (2019) A proactive blueprint to demonstrate on-farm animal welfare. Cab Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 14: 1
Todd CG, Millman ST, Leslie KE, et al. (2018) Effects of milk replacer acidification and free-access feeding on early life feeding, oral, and lying behavior of dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science
McNeil B, Díaz JC, Bruns C, et al. (2018) Determining the Time Required to Detect Induced Sow Lameness Using an Embedded Microcomputer-Based Force Plate System American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 13: 59-65
Newby NC, Leslie KE, Dingwell HD, et al. (2016) The effects of periparturient administration of flunixin meglumine on the health and production of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science
Todd CG, Leslie KE, Millman ST, et al. (2016) Clinical trial on the effects of a free-access acidified milk replacer feeding program on the health and growth of dairy replacement heifers and veal calves. Journal of Dairy Science
Millman ST. (2016) Garantía del Bienestar Animal – Impactos sobre la producción ganadera y mercados de exportación Ceiba: a Scientific and Technical Journal. 54: 59-65
Woods BJ, Millman ST, da Silva NA, et al. (2015) Pain and sickness behavior associated with corneal lesions in dairy calves. F1000research. 4: 546
O'Connor A, Anthony R, Bergamasco L, et al. (2015) Review: Assessment of completeness of reporting in intervention studies using livestock: an example from pain mitigation interventions in neonatal piglets. Animal : An International Journal of Animal Bioscience. 1-11
Colpoys JD, Abell CE, Gabler NK, et al. (2015) Feed efficiency effects on barrow and gilt behavioral reactivity to novel stimuli tests. Journal of Animal Science. 93: 1267-75
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