Nadia Desbiens, Ph.D.

2000 Universite Laval (Canada) 
Elementary Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology
"Nadia Desbiens"
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Egide Royer grad student 2000 Universite Laval (Canada)
 (Le reputation sociale des eleves manifestant des difficultes de comportement a l'ecole primaire: Effet d'un programme de promotion des habiletes sociales et de cooperation en classe ordinaire.)
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Levasseur C, Desbiens N, Bowen F. (2017) Moral reasoning about school bullying in involved adolescents Journal of Moral Education. 46: 158-176
Desbiens N, Levasseur C, Roy N. (2016) Influence of deviant behaviours in workgroups in relation with group composition Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 21: 271-286
Desbiens N, Gagne M. (2007) Profiles in the development of behavior disorders among youths with family maltreatment histories Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 12: 215-240
Desbiens N, Royer E. (2006) Peer groups and behaviour problems Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Desbiens N, Royer E. (2003) Peer Groups and Behaviour Problems: A Study of School-Based Intervention for Children with EBD. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 8: 120-139
Royer É, Desbiens N, Bitaudeau I, et al. (1999) The Impact Of A Social Skills Training Program For Adolescents With Behavioural Difficulties Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 4: 4-10
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