Caroline Couture, Ph.D.

2002 Universite Laval (Canada) 
Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education
"Caroline Couture"
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Egide Royer grad student 2002 Universite Laval (Canada)
 (Croyances d'enseignants quebecois et britanniques de niveau primaire sur le trouble de deficit de l'attention/hyperactivite.)
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Lavoie C, Couture C, Bégin J, et al. (2017) The differentiated impact of Kangaroo Class programmes in Quebec primary schools: examining behavioural improvements in relation to student characteristics Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 22: 275-289
Massé L, Couture C, Levesque V, et al. (2013) Impact of a school consulting programme aimed at helping teachers integrate students with behavioural difficulties into secondary school: Actors' points of view Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 18: 327-343
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