Itai Himelboim, Ph.D.

2008 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Mass Communications
"Itai Himelboim"
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Tsan-Kuo Chang grad student 2008 UMN
 (Civil society versus network society: Network structures of computer -mediated social interactions.)
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Himelboim I, Xiao X, Lee DKL, et al. (2019) A Social Networks Approach to Understanding Vaccine Conversations on Twitter: Network Clusters, Sentiment, and Certainty in HPV Social Networks. Health Communication. 1-9
Himelboim I, Golan GJ. (2019) A Social Networks Approach to Viral Advertising: The Role of Primary, Contextual, and Low Influencers: Social Media and Society. 5: 205630511984751
Lin J, Himelboim I. (2019) Political Brand Communities as Social Network Clusters: Winning and Trailing Candidates in the GOP 2016 Primary Elections Journal of Political Marketing. 18: 119-147
Yun JT, Duff BRL, Vargas PT, et al. (2019) Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text for Topics: A Primer for Advertising Researchers Journal of Interactive Advertising. 20: 47-59
Vijaykumar S, Nowak G, Himelboim I, et al. (2018) Managing social media rumors and misinformation during outbreaks. American Journal of Infection Control
Isa D, Himelboim I. (2018) A Social Networks Approach to Online Social Movement: Social Mediators and Mediated Content in #FreeAJStaff Twitter Network: Social Media and Society. 4: 205630511876080
Keib K, Himelboim I, Han J. (2018) Important tweets matter: Predicting retweets in the #BlackLivesMatter talk on twitter Computers in Human Behavior. 85: 106-115
Himelboim I, Smith MA, Rainie L, et al. (2017) Classifying Twitter Topic-Networks Using Social Network Analysis Social Media + Society. 3: 205630511769154
Kim E, Hou J, Han JY, et al. (2016) Predicting Retweeting Behavior on Breast Cancer Social Networks: Network and Content Characteristics. Journal of Health Communication. 1-8
Myrick JG, Holton AE, Himelboim I, et al. (2016) #Stupidcancer: Exploring a Typology of Social Support and the Role of Emotional Expression in a Social Media Community. Health Communication. 31: 596-605
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