Windee M. Weiss, Ph.D.

2003 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Physical Education, Recreation, Developmental Psychology
"Windee Weiss"
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Maureen R. Weiss grad student 2003 UVA
 (Sport commitment: Social support, psychological climate, and developmental considerations.)
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Weiss WM. (2020) Applying the Sport Commitment Model to Sport Injury Rehabilitation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 1-6
Weiss WM, Aloe AM. (2019) Revisiting mediational models of sport commitment with female gymnasts International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 17: 600-616
Williams SM, Weiss W. (2018) Influence of Significant Others on High School Students' Expectancies of Success and Task Value in Physical Education. The Physical Educator. 75: 229-244
Newman ND, Weiss WM. (2018) Relationship between demographic variables and collegiate athletes’ perceptions of social support from head coaches: International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 13: 343-348
Newman N, Weiss W. (2017) Collegiate athletes' perceptions of social support and athletic trainer-coach conflict Journal of Athletic Enhancement. 2017: 1-6
Weiss WM, Neibert PJ. (2016) Athletic Training Program Commitment: Four-Year Longitudinal Analysis of Behavioral Outcomes. Athletic Training Education Journal. 11: 103-109
Weiss WM. (2015) Competitive-level differences on sport commitment among high school- and collegiate-level athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 13: 286-303
Weiss WM, Neibert PJ. (2014) Changes over Time in the Predictors of Athletic Training Program Commitment Athletic Training Education Journal. 9: 64-71
Weiss WM, Halupnik D. (2013) Commitment to strength and conditioning: a sport commitment model perspective. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 27: 718-22
Weiss WM, Neibert PJ. (2013) Predictors of Commitment to Athletic Training Education Athletic Training Education Journal. 8: 3-9
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