Cheryl P. Stuntz, Ph.D.

2005 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Social Psychology, Physical Education, Educational Psychology Education, Recreation
"Cheryl Stuntz"
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Cross-listing: Kinesiology Tree


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Maureen R. Weiss grad student 2005 UVA
 (Social goal orientations in the physical domain: Links to moral functioning and psychosocial variables.)
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Stuntz CP. (2016) Cross-Domain Relationships with Assistant and Head Coaches: Comparing Levels and Correlates International Sport Coaching Journal. 3: 17-30
Stuntz CP, Smith C, Vensel K. (2015) Is the relationship between lifestyle factors and physical activity mediated by psychological needs and motivation? International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 15: 291-305
Stuntz CP, Garwood KE. (2012) Enhancing Social Goal Involvement through Cooperative Instructions Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 24: 260-274
Stuntz CP, Weiss MR. (2010) Motivating Children and Adolescents to Sustain a Physically Active Lifestyle American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 4: 433-444
Stuntz CP, Spearance AL. (2010) Cross-domain relationships in two sport populations: Measurement validation including prediction of motivation-related variables Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 11: 267-274
Stuntz CP, Weiss MR. (2009) Achievement goal orientations and motivational outcomes in youth sport: The role of social orientations Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 10: 255-262
Stuntz CP, Weiss MR. (2003) Influence of social goal orientations and peers on unsportsmanlike play. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 74: 421-35
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