Kristin J. August, Ph.D.

2009 University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Social Psychology
"Kristin August"
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Karen S. Rook grad student 2009 UC Irvine
 (Managing type 2 diabetes in the context of a marital relationship: How does spousal provision of health -related social support and control impact the nondiabetic spouse?)
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Rook KS, Oleskiewicz D, Brown CJ, et al. (2024) Loneliness and Expanding Social Ties in Later Life: Motivation, Perceived Success, and Implications for Emotional Health. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Gerwitz GC, August KJ, Markey CN. (2023) Motives for spousal involvement in a Partner's diabetes management: Considering the role of gender and links to diet-related involvement. Health Psychology Open. 10: 20551029221143670
August KJ, Albright-Pierce MR, Markey CH. (2022) Examining health experiences and body dissatisfaction in two unique samples of patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology. 13591053221091610
August KJ. (2021) Correlates of diet-related spousal involvement among both members of couples managing diabetes. Families, Systems & Health : the Journal of Collaborative Family Healthcare. 39: 467-476
Newsom JT, Denning EC, Shaw BA, et al. (2020) Older adults' physical activity-related social control and social support in the context of personal norms. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105320954239
August KJ, Franks MM, Rook KS, et al. (2020) Spouses' responses to the dietary nonadherence of their partners managing diabetes Personal Relationships. 27: 401-419
August KJ, Kelly CS, Markey CH, et al. (2019) Reciprocity And Individual Differences In Diet-Related Spousal Involvement Among Older Couples Managing Diabetes Innovation in Aging. 3
Westley KV, August KJ, Alger MR, et al. (2018) Main and interactive effects of diabetes distress and stress from life events on overall psychological distress. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105318804865
Markey CH, August KJ, Dunaev JL. (2018) Understanding body image among adults in mid-late life: Considering romantic partners and depressive symptoms in the context of diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105318770725
August KJ, Dowell A, Sorkin DH. (2017) Disease factors associated with spousal influence on diabetic diet: An exploratory comparison of Vietnamese American and White older adults. Health Psychology Open. 4: 2055102917738658
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