Arthur E. Levine

Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
Higher Education, Women's Studies, Industrial Psychology
"Arthur Levine"
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Levine A. (2006) Will Universities Maintain Control of Teacher Education Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 38: 36-43
Levine A. (2001) The Remaking of the American University. Innovative Higher Education. 25: 253-267
Levine A, Cureton JS. (1998) What We Know About Today's College Students. About Campus. 3: 4-9
Levine A, Cureton JS. (1998) Collegiate Life: An Obituary. Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 30: 12-17
Levine A. (1997) Higher Education Becomes a Mature Industry About Campus. 2: 31-32
Levine A. (1996) Editorial: Education Reform Designing the End Game Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 28: 4-4
Levine A. (1993) Editorial: Student Expectations of College Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 25: 4-4
Levine A, Cureton J. (1992) The Quiet Revolution Eleven Facts about Multiculturalism and the Curriculum Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 24: 24-29
Levine A. (1989) Transforming General Education from Remedy to Reality Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 21: 4-4
Levine A. (1986) Deja Vu: Reviewing Educational Reports from the Past. Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 18: 50-52
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