Jeremy T. Burrus, Ph.D.

2006 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology
"Jeremy Burrus"
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Justin Kruger grad student 2006 UIUC
 (Egocentrism in perceptions of distributive justice: When favorable outcomes are unfair outcomes.)
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Murano D, Lipnevich AA, Walton KE, et al. (2020) Measuring social and emotional skills in elementary students: Development of self-report Likert, situational judgment test, and forced choice items Personality and Individual Differences. 110012
Niepel C, Burrus J, Greiff S, et al. (2018) Students' beliefs and attitudes toward mathematics across time: A longitudinal examination of the theory of planned behavior Learning and Individual Differences. 63: 24-33
Burrus J, Jackson T, Holtzman S, et al. (2017) Teaching high school students to manage time: The development of an intervention Improving Schools. 20: 101-112
Moore JL, Way JD, Casillas A, et al. (2016) Effects of psychosocial characteristics of middle school students on high school grades and on-time graduation European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 32: 75-83
Burrus J, Moore R. (2016) The incremental validity of beliefs and attitudes for predicting mathematics achievement Learning and Individual Differences. 50: 246-251
Petway KT, Rikoon SH, Brenneman MW, et al. (2016) Development of the Mission Skills Assessment and Evidence of Its Reliability and Internal Structure Ets Research Report Series. 2016: 1-15
Kyllonen PC, Lipnevich AA, Burrus J, et al. (2014) Personality, Motivation, and College Readiness: A Prospectus for Assessment and Development Ets Research Report Series. 2014: 1-48
Burrus J, Elliott D, Brenneman M, et al. (2013) Putting And Keeping Students On Track: Toward A Comprehensive Model Of College Persistence And Goal Attainment Ets Research Report Series. 2013
MacCann C, Lipnevich AA, Burrus J, et al. (2012) The best years of our lives? Coping with stress predicts school grades, life satisfaction, and feelings about high school Learning and Individual Differences. 22: 235-241
Young JW, Lakin J, Courtney R, et al. (2012) ADVANCING THE QUALITY AND EQUITY OF EDUCATION FOR LATINO STUDENTS: A WHITE PAPER Ets Research Report Series. 2012: i-92
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