Dwayne Schindler, PhD

Psychology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
"Dwayne Schindler"
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Martrat G, Maxwell CM, Tominaga E, et al. (2011) Exploring the link between MORF4L1 and risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research : Bcr. 13: R40
Ouimet LA, Stewart A, Collins B, et al. (2011) Investigation of a neuropsychological screen for chemo-fog Oncology Reviews. 5: 205-213
Ouimet LA, Stewart A, Collins B, et al. (2009) Measuring neuropsychological change following breast cancer treatment: an analysis of statistical models. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 31: 73-89
Bielajew C, Konkle AT, Fouriezos G, et al. (2001) The substrate for brain-stimulation reward in the lateral preoptic area: III. Connections to the lateral hypothalamic area. Behavioral Neuroscience. 115: 900-9
Bielajew C, Bushnik T, Konkle AT, et al. (2000) The substrate for brain-stimulation reward in the lateral preoptic area. II. Connections to the ventral tegmental area. Brain Research. 881: 112-20
Bielajew C, Stenger J, Schindler D. (1994) Factors that contribute to the reduced weight gain following chronic ventromedial hypothalamic stimulation. Behavioural Brain Research. 62: 143-8
Shizgal P, Conover K, Schindler D. (1991) Medial forebrain bundle units in the rat: dependence of refractory period estimates on pulse duration. Behavioural Brain Research. 42: 151-60
Shizgal P, Schindler D, Rompré PP. (1989) Forebrain neurons driven by rewarding stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle in the rat: comparison of psychophysical and electrophysiological estimates of refractory periods. Brain Research. 499: 234-48
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