Lynn A. McFarland

George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Industrial Psychology
"Lynn McFarland"
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Ployhart RE, Schepker DJD, McFarland LA. (2021) A review and theoretical framework for understanding external team contexts. The Journal of Applied Psychology
McFarland LA, Reeves S, Porr WB, et al. (2020) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on job search behavior: An event transition perspective. The Journal of Applied Psychology
McFarland LA, Ployhart RE, Shepherd W. (2020) Effects of Applicant Reactions on Strategic Business Unit Performance Academy of Management Proceedings. 2020: 14856
McFarland LA, Ployhart RE. (2015) Social media: A contextual framework to guide research and practice. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 1653-77
Ellingson JE, McFarland LA. (2011) Understanding faking behavior through the lens of motivation: An application of vie theory Human Performance. 24: 322-337
Roth P, Bobko P, McFARLAND L, et al. (2008) Work Sample Tests In Personnel Selection: A Meta-Analysis Of Black–White Differences In Overall And Exercise Scores Personnel Psychology. 61: 637-661
Van Iddekinge CH, McFarland LA, Raymark PH. (2007) Antecedents of impression management use and effectiveness in a structured interview Journal of Management. 33: 752-773
Harold CM, McFarland LA, Weekley JA. (2006) The validity of verifiable and non-verifiable biodata items: An examination across applicants and incumbents International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 14: 336-346
McFarland LA, Ryan AM. (2006) Toward an integrated model of applicant faking behavior Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 36: 979-1016
Dudley NM, McFarland LA, Goodman SA, et al. (2005) Racial differences in socially desirable responding in selection contexts: magnitude and consequences. Journal of Personality Assessment. 85: 50-64
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