Jeroen Silvis
Affiliations: | 2016 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
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Donk M, Silvis J, Theeuwes J. (2016) Prior knowledge of the locations of potentially relevant objects reduces effects of visual salience Journal of Vision. 16: 377 |
Silvis JD, Belopolsky AV, Murris JW, et al. (2015) The Effects of Feature-Based Priming and Visual Working Memory on Oculomotor Capture. Plos One. 10: e0142696 |
Bucker B, Silvis JD, Donk M, et al. (2015) Reward modulates oculomotor competition between differently valued stimuli. Vision Research. 108: 103-12 |
Silvis JD, Olmos Solis K, Donk M. (2015) The nature of the global effect beyond the first eye movement. Vision Research. 108: 20-32 |
Silvis J, Belopolsky A, Murris J, et al. (2015) Feature priming rather than visual working memory affects oculomotor selection in a bottom-up manner Journal of Vision. 15: 870 |
Silvis JD, Donk M. (2014) The effects of saccade-contingent changes on oculomotor capture: salience is important even beyond the first oculomotor response. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 76: 1803-14 |
Silvis JD, Van der Stigchel S. (2014) How memory mechanisms are a key component in the guidance of our eye movements: evidence from the global effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21: 357-62 |
Silvis J, Donk M. (2013) The temporal dynamics of visual salience F1000research. 4 |